Friday, September 18, 2009

Choosing the right safe.

Choosing the right gun safe to store your firearms in can be a tremendous task and a big headache. Let's face it, thief's are a problem, and professional thief's can break through any gun safe. However, there are some safes that may be impossible to break into. A normal thief will only spend just a few minutes in a house, but it can also only take a few minutes for a thief to break into a safe. Choosing the right gun safe will prevent this. For example, a safe from Walmart is probably not going to cut it. It may look sturdy and sufficient, but is it really? A good, sturdy gun safe will have at least 6 bolts on each side of the door, 2 on the top and bottom. This will prevent most intruders from breaking into a safe. However, a safe with just 2-3 bolts on each side and maybe one on the top can be broken into within 5 minutes. I encourage everyone to watch this video on youtube and see just exactly what I'm talking about: Security on sale.

Also, when buying a safe, if you think you will need a 12 gun safe, buy a 24 gun safe. It may cost more, but in the future as you continue your collection of firearms, you will outgrow your safe and will probably have to purchase another one. The general rule when buying a safe is buy double of what you think you need. I hope this information is valuable to you.

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